
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's All New

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to be using the internet right now...I'll take my chances. So, tonight is my first night at a new job. I'm working the front desk at the Wequassett Resort & Golf Club...definitely one of the nicest resorts on the Cape. Very formal. Very swanky. Yet, somehow very unorganized when it comes to new employees. I have gone from waitress to hostess to assistant server to working the front desk all before I even stepped foot onto the resort as an employee. I'm not complaining, only amused.

For now, I am working the switchboard which means I get to answer the phone all professional and transfer the calls to their happy destinations. I also get to do random odds and ends and be slowly, but surely, trained on the software programs and general ways of the resort. However, since I know such a limited amount as of now I'm basically just waiting for the phone to ring to have work to do. I'm half wondering if having an evening job is worth it and half looking forward to meeting new people, learning new skills, and, ultimately, making more money.

I'm sure I'm just having "new kid" jitters. In all actuality, I'm catching on very quickly and I'm looking forward to the time when I know everyone and can answer questions with authority and ease and I'll look back on this time as only a slightly uncomfortable starting point to future success.

For now, I'm looking forward to leaving in an hour and curling up in bed....and perhaps a nightcap may find its way into my hand as well....


Natalie said...

Lady, you are too cute. I hope that you gained some sense of purpose at that job. Don't work yourself to death, or stress out too much about making friends haha. You know I do all of that enough for the both of us. I already missed a running date so looks like that may be a dream to start back as a "real" runner. sigh.

Love you.

Natalie said...

From the fact that you have not been able to blog I am assuming you are working yourself to death. I love you and hope you will return home to blogger write to me at some point before I leave. Love you.